A year back we had this script working and doing wonders. But after orkut starting adding new features and updates, this script stopped working. Sharath, the creator
of this script has Updated the Mass Community Moderation script again which will enable to mass moderate, ban members, remove topics with ease.
» Requirements
This hack is not compatible with Internet Explorer since it uses Greasemonkey, a Firefox Add-on. If you want to enjoy this and countless other hacks then Switch to Firefox.
» Instructions - Configuring Mass Moderation Script
- Install Greasemonkey extension for Firefox - Click Here to Install
- Install Community Mass Moderation ScriptNavigate to settings and add all the community IDs that you would like to manage in the settings page.
- Community ID is the unique number given to your community,
- Example -http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=46670276
- In the above address, the number given at the last (46670276) is the community ID.
- After you have added the list of communities, you should save and exit.
- You are all set to use Mass Community Moderation Script