Usually many of us have lots of different applications open at a single time which are accessible through the task bar. You may not want to use all the applications but still want them to be open. For example I use Windows Live Writer quite often but I do not use it all the time.
The reason to keep the applications open is that I can easily and quickly access any application I want to without waiting for the delay to start them up. Leaving all the applications on takes up much of the task bar space.
Many applications such as Outlook 2003, Windows Live Mail and all IM clients have the default option where the application is minimized to tray, this is a great option as it keeps the application open but out of the way.
I was looking for a software that would allow me to minimize any applications to the system tray so that I could keep the applications open but out of view until I wanted to use it.
Trayit is a Free software that allows you to minimize any applications to the system tray instead of the task bar. In addition to allowing you to minimize any application to the system tray it also allows you to group similar items. For e.g. you may have 5 Firefox windows open when you minimize those windows to tray they will all group under a single Firefox icon.
Trayit Usage
- You can temporarily put any window in the system tray by keeping down the
button when minimizing the window. - To always keep window in the system tray when minimized, click with the RIGHT mouse button on the corresponding icon created in the tray in the previous step and check "Place in System Tray" in the popup menu.
- Clicking with the right mouse button on the minimize icon will bring TrayIt! context menu for this window. Just check "Place in System Tray" in the popup menu to make window always go to the tray.
- The context menu will work only for the standard minimize icon and will not pop-up if the program use skins like MS Media player.
- Single click action - when turned off you need to double-ckick on icon in the System Tray to activate an application.
- Group similar tray icons for each application - TrayIt will group similar windows displaying only one icon in the tray to access the group.
- Minimize when in Foreground, activate when in Background - whith this option turned on, Clicking on the System Tray icon will minimize associated window when only if it is in already in the foreground and put in the foreground otherwise.
Trayit works on Windows 95 / 98 / ME / NT / 2000 / XP and Vista. TrayIt is a stand alone application so you do not need to run any installer. Just download the zip file and unzip it in a folder. Double click on the TrayIt exe file and the application will start. You can also choose to let TrayIt start with Windows.
My 2 Cents
A very nice and handy application which is only 140 Kbs in size. This application will tag around with me as it not only saves me real estate in the task bar but also adds so much needed functionality which should be built in into Windows itself.
A must download application for you.
Download: Download TrayIt! 2.11.1 for Window NT/2000/XP/Vista and 95/98/Me