
Coolest Firefox Tweaks Ever

Everyone now Firefox is a better open source browser than other, you can add extension to make this browser more optimal. Wait, Why we don’t try to tweak it more? Firefox is the coolest browser right!

  • Fetch only pages that you click
  • In the default,Firefox will pre-download the pages behind the links it thinks you MIGHT click. I think this is just useless bandwidth usage. How you stop that in two simple steps? Type “about:config” into the address bar and hit return. Type “network.prefetch” in the filter field, It should be set to TRUE. Double click it, and it will turn to false.

  • Create a user.js file.
  • Creating a user.js file can really speed up your browsing. You’ll need to create a text file named user.js in your profile folder (see this to find out where the profile folder is) and see this example user.js file that you can modify. Created by, this example explains some of the things you can do in its comments.

  • Limit the RAM usage
  • Although it’s not taking up THAT much memory as other browser, shortly, it still does. But you have a way to control that. Type “about:config” into the address bar and hit return. Filter up your search after “browser.cache” and select browser.cache.memory.capacity from the remaining options.You have to adjust the value depending on the amount of RAM memory you have installed. For RAM sizes between 512MB and 1GB, start with 15000. For RAM sizes between 128MB and 512M, try 5000, and you will be happy of the result.

  • Reduce RAM usage further for when Firefox is minimized.
  • This setting will move Firefox to your hard drive when you minimize it, taking up much less memory. select New and click Boolean. A box will appear and you will have to enter config.trim_on_minimize as value. The boolean value be set it to TRUE in the next screen, and that’s it.

  • Useful Keyboard shortcuts
  • You don’t have to memorize all keyboard shortcuts, try memorize these shortcuts, these will be useful.
    * Ctrl+D (bookmark page)
    * Ctrl+T (new tab)
    * Ctrl+K (go to search box)
    * Ctrl+L (go to address bar)
    * Ctrl+= (increase text size)
    * Ctrl+- (decrease text size)
    * Ctrl-W (close tab)
    * Spacebar (page down)
    * Shift-Spacebar (page up)
    * Ctrl+F (find)
    * Alt-N (find next)
    * F5 (reload)
    * Alt-Home (go to home page)
    * Ctrl+Tab (rotate forward among tabs)
    * Ctrl+Shft+Tab (rotate to the previous tab)
    * Ctrl+1-9 (choose a number to jump to a specific tab)

  • Blocking Animation Flash
  • Use the Flashblock extension“>Flashblock extension . It will put a placeholder over any Flash, allowing you to play it before the Flash animation plays. (To specifically allow a website to show Flash you can open the Tools -> Add-ons -> Flashblock options dialog and enter e.g. “”.)

  • Install Fastererfox Extension to Optimize your Intenet Connection Speed
  • You will don’t get this extension at Mozilla website, but you can download it here. Optimizing the HTTP pipeline without use about:config is a the pros of this extension. It can be set for beginnner or advance user.

  • Speed up the browser menu GUI
  • Simple step to speed up browser menu Open up a tab on the browser and type in: about:config, Next right click somewhere on the list to get the context-menu up, select new>> integer you will see a box pop-up. Type in: ui.submenuDelay, click ok. A second field will come up, enter 0 (i.e. zero)

  • Content Tokenizing Time
  • Mozilla applications will regularly render what has been received to that point. This option controls the maximum amount of time the application will be unresponsive while rendering pages. Right-click (Apple users ctrl-click) anywhere in the about:config window, select New and then Integer from the pop-up menu. Enter content.max.tokenizing.time in the New integer value pop-up window and click OK You will be prompted to enter a value. Enter 2250000 and click OK.

  • Content Notify Interval
  • This option sets the minimum amount of time to wait between reflows.

    • Right-click (Apple users ctrl-click) anywhere in the about:config window, select New and then Integer from the pop-up menu.
    • Type content.notify.interval in the New integer value pop-up window and click OK.
    • You will be prompted to enter a value. Enter 750000 and click OK.

Okay that’s all, Happy browsing!

Cool Features in Firefox 3 you probably didn't know!

Firefox 3 is going to be released soon. has also planned to set a Guinness World Record of most downloads in 24 hours for Firefox 3.0 when it is released. To participate in this you can register on their site to be notified when it is released and then download it within 24 hours .We can imagine the performance of Firefox 3 by comparing it with its First release candidate.

The first release candidate of Firefox 3 have an improved performance, less memory leaks, a revamped interface and some very interesting new features as compare to Firefox 2.Some cool features of Firefox 3 are:

# Select discontinuous text - press Ctrl while selecting different blocks of text, like you can do in Microsoft Office.

# Firefox 3 brings this feature to improve its already powerful find-in-page.

# Like Google Toolbar 4 for IE made bookmarking a very easy task: just press on the star button to bookmark a web page and press again if you want to add tags or edit the title. Firefox 3 borrowed the initial concept and changed the way you bookmark web pages. Furthermore, you can now associate tags to bookmarks and find the most visited bookmarks.

# The address bar is more like an artificial mind. It auto-completes URLs and page titles, while trying to prioritize web pages visited frequently and recently.It lets you use the URL field of your browser to do a keyword search of your history and bookmarks.The drop-list results also shows you the page's favicon, the full title, the URL, and whether you have bookmarked and/or tagged the page in a richly formatted two-line display.

# Disable plugins from the Add-ons dialog. That means you can now disable Flash or the Windows Media Player plugin directly from Firefox, without having to install extensions like FlashBlock.

# Set permissions for individual web sites: for example, you can disable images or cookies in some web sites you don't trust. You can set permission from Tools > Page Info > Permissions tab.

# Another feature included in Firefox 3 is to allow the scaling of images and other objects. To revert to the zooming feature from Firefox 2, enable View > Zoom > Zoom text only.

# Clicking on the website icon, gives you the information about the site you are reading.Here information about Gmail shown.After clicking on more information it gives how many times have you actually visited that site.

# The download manager in firefox 3 is far more intelligent than Firefox 2. It gives you pause and resume capability of your downloads, and search through your download history by file or website name.

These features has made increased my curiosity for complete Firefox 3.
Do let me know if you know any more features.

Incredible Useful Firefox Keyboard Shortcuts

Firefox Keyboard Shortcuts
As my methods for search increase my browsing productivity continues, I have come across some excellent keyboard shortcuts for Firefox.

1: Automatically complete .org and .net addresses

Yes, we know that if we type ‘google’ in the address bar and press Ctrl+Enter it directly goes to . But what about .org and .net addresses? .

In Firefox, Shift+Enter takes you to .net

And Ctrl+Shift+Enter takes you to .org addresses automatically .

You can just write problogger and just press Enter it will take automatically to

2: Alt + D or F6

You can use this to navigate directly to the browser address bar of firefox. Very useful.

3: Ctrl+T and Ctrl+Shift+T

Ctrl+T helps you to open a new tab and Ctrl+Shift+T reopens the last closed tab.
This comes quite handy in case you accidently close a tab. Another way to do this would be go to History -> Recently closed tabs.

4: Alt+Enter

This can be an extremely useful shortcut. It automatically opens a website in another tab when you highlight it in the autocomplete list. For example you want to go to Facebook and you start typing www.face…, in the address bar and it starts showing the list below. You just need to use the down arrow key to highlight the selection ( in this case ) and press Alt+Enter so that it opens in a new tab.

5: Use of Delete Key

The Delete key can be pretty useful because it helps you delete specific addresses in browser history or autocomplete forms. For example in the diagram below, when I type ‘allin’ in address bar I get 3 entries . If I want to delete the 2nd entry from autocomplete history, I’ll just point to it and press Delete key. Simple, isn’t it .

delete the 2nd entry from autocomplete History

6: Ctrl+Tab

Ctrl+tab helps you to navigate between different firefox tabs quite easily.

7: Ctrl+[1,2….9]

Ctrl+tab can help you navigate alternate tabs but if you are a heavy tab user like me and want to go to a specific tab then just use Ctrl+corresponding tab number. Ex:To go to the 3rd tab use Ctrl+3.

8: Spacebar and Shift+Spacebar OR PageDown and PageUp

Spacebar or PageDown key scrolls down the webpage you’re on and Shift+Spacebar or PageUp scrolls up the webpage you’re on.

9: The Middle Mouse Button

This is not a keyboard shortcut but it is an excellent shortcut. Just point to a link anywhere on a webpage and press the middle mouse(scroll) button. It opens the page in a new tab .Also middle-clicking a tab with the mouse closes the tab.

10:/ Button

(backslash) if you hit that once will bring a quick find option. We dont have to puch CTRL+F for searching.

I hope these shortcuts will enhance your browsing productivity with Firefox.